Excel data files (*.xlsx) 

Click here to download all the Excel data files (*.xlsx) in ZIP format. Select individual files from the table below. The data definition  files (*.def) contain variable names and summary statistics.

andy equity mc40 star
apap euro mc500 star5
ashcan exrate5 means star5_small
ashcan_small fair5 mexican star5_small2
bachelor food mexico steel
bangla france motel sterling
bangla5 france_ep mroz stockton5
beer fred5 nasa stockton5_small
br freddie1 nels table_c3
br2 freddie2 nels_small table_c4
br5 fultonfish newbroiler table2_2
brumm gdp njmin3 term
bweight gdp5 nlls tobit5
bweight_small gfc nls toody5
byd gold nls_panel transport
canada5 grunfeld11 oecd truffles
canada6 grunfeld2 oil5 tuna
capm5 hip okun5_aus tvdata
ces inequality olympics uk
cex5 inequality_stacked ozconfun ukpi
cex5_small inflation phillips5_aus uniform1
ch10 insure poolcoll uniform2
chemical inter2 poolcoll2 uniform3
chemical_small iron precious unit
chemical2 italy pricoll usdata5
chemical3 kernel pubcoll usmacro
cocaine klein qtm utown
coke koop_tobias rddhouse vacation
cola koop_tobias_87 rddhouse_small var
collegecost koop_tobias_small rddsenate vec
collegetown liquor5 returns5 vegas5
commute5 london5 rice5 vegas5_small
cons_inc malawi rwm3yrs wa_wheat
cps5 malawi_small rwm88 warner
cps5_small mc1_fixed_x rwm88_small wine1
cps5mw mc1_random_x shanghai wine2
cps5mw_small mc100 share wine3
crime mc1000 shiller xrate
csi mc20 sp
edu_inc mc200 spurious

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