star5.def absent aide black boy freelunch id mathscore readscore regular schid schrural schurban small tchexper tchid tchmasters tchwhite totalscore white_asian Obs: 5786 observations absent days absent aide =1 if regular class with aide black =1 if black student, otherwise 0 boy =1 if male student, 0=female freelunch =1 if free lunch provided, otherwise 0 id student id mathscore math score readscore reading score regular =1 if regular class, otherwise 0 schid school id schrural =1 if school rural, otherwise 0 schurban =1 if school urban or inner city, othewise 0 small =1 if small class, othewise 0 tchexper teacher years of experience tchid teacher id tchmasters =1 if teacher has masters degree, othewise 0 tchwhite =1 if teacher white, otherwise 0 totalscore combined math and reading score white_asian =1 if student white or asian, otherwise 0 Data source: Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- absent | 5765 10.27511 9.27064 0 79 aide | 5786 .3530937 .4779728 0 1 black | 5786 .3209471 .4668809 0 1 boy | 5786 .5134808 .4998614 0 1 freelunch | 5786 .4816799 .4997074 0 1 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- id | 5786 15593.06 2694.317 10133 21580 mathscore | 5786 485.599 47.69394 320 626 readscore | 5786 436.7297 31.71347 315 627 regular | 5786 .3465261 .4759043 0 1 schid | 5786 211001.8 38381.93 112038 264945 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- schrural | 5786 .4709644 .4991994 0 1 schurban | 5786 .3128241 .4636834 0 1 small | 5786 .3003802 .4584629 0 1 tchexper | 5766 9.306452 5.767684 0 27 tchid | 5786 2.11e+07 3838193 1.12e+07 2.65e+07 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tchmasters | 5786 .351711 .4775456 0 1 tchwhite | 5786 .8354649 .3707925 0 1 totalscore | 5786 922.3287 73.7466 635 1253 white_asian | 5786 .6766333 .4678018 0 1